ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage sites. It is a global non-governmental organization of its kind, dedicated to promoting the application of scientific theory, methodology and techniques to the conservation of architectural and archaeological heritage.

ICOMOS is a network of experts that benefits from the interdisciplinary exchange of its members, including architects, conservators, historians, archaeologists, art historians, geographers, anthropologists, tourism experts, engineers and urban planners. ICOMOS members contribute to improving heritage preservation, standards and techniques for each type of cultural heritage property: buildings, historic cities, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites.

(DECEMBER 2023):

Source: Icomos website:

11.379 members in 132 countries and territories
253 institutional members
113 national committees

31 international scientific committees


The Brazilian Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, known as ICOMOS/BRAZIL, is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that acts in the name of the public interest. ICOMOS/BRAZIL has around 300 Simple members, who form a multidisciplinary community of recognized experts, including architects, engineers, artists, archaeologists, historians, jurists, etc., who work in various fields of cultural heritage, its conservation, management and promotion. According to its Statute and in compliance with the objectives and attributions of ICOMOS – the international organization to which it belongs, ICOMOS/BRAZIL carries out a wide range of activities, which include the promotion of seminars and courses, the publication of books and periodicals, the evaluation of monuments and heritage sites, among others.

The Brazilian Committee of ICOMOS was founded on August 17, 1978 in Rio de Janeiro, and registered on May 2, 1980, in Brasília, the capital of the Republic. ICOMOS/BRAZIL is represented in several Cultural Councils throughout the country, at the federal, state and municipal levels, including: the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage – IPHAN; the National Council for the Promotion of Culture – CNIC; the Culture Council of the State of Bahia, among others. In the General Assembly, in the ICOMOS Advisory Committee, and in the World Heritage Panel, Brazil is represented by Prof. Dr. Leonardo Barci Castriota. 

Current Executive Technical Team

President: Flávio de Lemos Carsalade (MG)
Vice-President: Julio César Ribeiro Sampaio (RJ)
General Secretary: Mônica Bahia Schlee (RJ)
General Director of Finance: Carla Viviane da Silva Angelo (MG)
General Director of Scientific Committees: Betina Maria Adams (SC)
General Director of Projects: Marcos Olender (MG)
Special Director of Communications: Adson Rodrigo Silva Pinheiro (CE)

The Deliberative Council is formed by the 7 (seven) members of the National Board, by the representatives of the State Sections and by the 5 (five) Regional Departments, one for each geopolitical region of the IBGE, that is, North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast and South.

Regional Department / North: Roseane da Conceição Costa Norat (PA)
Regional Department / Northeast: Nivaldo Vieira De Andrade Junior (BA)
Regional Department / Midwest: Beatriz Coroa do Couto (DF)
Regional Department / Southeast: Rafael Winter Ribeiro (RJ)
Regional Department / South: Ana Lúcia Goelzer Meira (RS)

Cultural Heritage List

ICOMOS Brazil carries out extensive activities in the doctrinal field – training, publications, cultural tourism and archaeology, among others – and develops techniques, principles and policies for the conservation, protection and rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage. Among the activities developed by the institution’s associates, we can highlight the exhaustive work of recognizing and maintaining the components of memory and significance for society, mainly in the inclusion of these items in the World Heritage List. The World Heritage List in Brazil, specifically classified by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is prepared according to ten main criteria and the points are judged by experts in the area. Of all Latin America, the country with the most assets is Mexico, with 31, followed by Brazil, which occupies the second position with 23 assets in total. 15 cultural, 7 natural and 1 mixed.

After the inclusion of the cultural landscape of Rio de Janeiro, on July 1, 2012, Brazil reached the total of 23 sites or groups considered World Heritage in the country. After that there was Paraty and Ilha Grande and the Sítio Roberto Burle Marx. All of them are described below, based on the official UNESCO names, their location, the division between cultural property and natural property and an additional section with the information that UNESCO itself published on its official website.

aga2024 team

FLÁVIO de lemos
General coordination
Barci Castriota
Winter Ribeiro
Júlio Cesar
Ribeiro Sampaio 
Lúcia Tone
Ferreira Hidaka
Bahia Schlee 
Adson rodrigo 
Silva Pinheiro
maria Adams
Arlete Soares
de Oliveira
Carla Viviane
da Silva Angelo
Vilmar Pereira
de sousa
Carlos Magno
de Souza Paiva
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Next slide

Sponsors and supporters


IEDS – Instituto de Estudos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Brasil – CAU/BR

Pós-Graduação em Ambiente Construído e Patrimônio Sustentável (PPG-ACPS) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais-UFMG  

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto-UFOP

Prefeitura Municipal de Ouro Preto

CAU/MG – Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de Minas Gerais

FAPEMIG-Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais

host city

Located in the state of Minas Gerais, the city of Ouro Preto is an important testament to Brazil’s historical and cultural wealth, especially the expressive Baroque style that marked the colonial period. Founded in the early 18th century, during the golden age of gold mining, Ouro Preto played a central role in Brazil’s colonial economy and society. The discovery of rich gold deposits in the region attracted a significant number of merchants, adventurers, settlers and slaves, who rapidly transformed the urban and social landscape of the area. The rapid development of this area, due to the meeting of different social groups, resulted in the formation of a unique city, characterized by its narrow and winding streets, colonial mansions and Baroque churches that make up an integral ensemble that marks the cultural and natural landscape of the environment.


Pousada Solar da Ópera

Hotel Luxor

Pousada do Mondego

Hotel Solar do Rosário

Pousada Minas Gerais

Pousada Souza Castro

Pousada Sinhá Olímpia

To facilitate transportation from Confins Airport to the city of Ouro Preto, there are a few options available:

1. Private Transportation (Transfer): There are specialized companies that offer direct transfer services from Confins Airport to Ouro Preto. This service can be booked in advance and offers comfort and convenience, especially for those with a lot of luggage or who prefer a more exclusive type of transportation.
2.Taxi or Apps (Uber, 99): Another option is to use taxis or apps. At Confins Airport, there are taxi stands available, as well as designated areas for boarding services such as Uber and 99.

3. Car Rental: At the airport, there are several car rental companies where you can rent a car and drive to Ouro Preto. This option offers greater flexibility and freedom to explore the region at your own pace.

4. Bus: Although there is no direct bus service from Confins Airport to Ouro Preto, you can take a bus from the airport to the Belo Horizonte bus station and from there take a bus to Ouro Preto. Several companies offer this route, with regular schedules throughout the day.

Be Intercambio e Turismo Travel Agency


Phone and Whatsapp: +55 31-99949 7707

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Sim, todo texto de resumo Simple não deve ter mais de 300 palavras. As propostas de sessões estão limitadas a 750 palavras.

15 de junho de 2024.

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Não, apenas um dos autores mas cada trabalho poderá ter até um autor e dois co-autores.


